AI Invisible Fingerprint

Verify is able to insert a unique fingerprint completely invisible to the human eye into the pixels itself. This technology uses a fully automated intelligent AI algorithm that ensures these are placed in millions of spots in those high frequencies of an image or video. This invisible watermark makes it impossible for computers to detect and ensure survival when uploaded to social media or e-commerce platforms.


AI Monitoring

Verify’s AI powered monitoring service is able to identify, track and trace fingerprinted content over the entire internet including social media and e-commerce platforms. The fingerprint enables Verify to differentiate between similar images ensuring Verify is able to provide the most accurate result.



The datasets generated by the AI Monitoring Service are extremely rich. Because Verify not only notices metadata and hash data but also records sentiment and all online interactions (likes, comments, etc.), potentially extremely complete datasets can be generated that are ideally suited to train AI models that can be used to automatically label visual data.